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  • 16 Jan 2014 9:55 AM | Deleted user
    Get your sneak peek here, before it hits news stands later this month!

  • 14 Jan 2014 10:25 AM | Deleted user
    Are Canadians turning a blind eye to the untapped potential of snow?

    Read the full feature from Water Canada here: waste-not-want-not/
  • 06 Jan 2014 10:02 AM | Deleted user
    We are excited to be a part of Landscape Ontario Congress happening this week from January 7 to 9 at the Toronto Congress Centre. 

    For more information about the show visit

    Be sure to stop by our booth #E28 to say hello and chat about how you're being Smart About Salt this blistery winter season.
  • 19 Dec 2013 11:45 AM | Deleted user
    Interesting article from Water Canada showing ever increasing levels of chloride concentration in our streams.  

    Read the full story here:

  • 19 Dec 2013 11:18 AM | Deleted user
    Check out the monitors at the Customer Service desk at Town Hall!  @townofinnisfil

  • 18 Dec 2013 3:46 PM | Deleted user
    CBC's Amanda Margison takes a closer look at how cities fight off ice.

    Take a look here:


  • 03 Dec 2013 1:16 PM | Deleted user
    We're excited about our new radio campaign helping to remind everyone in the community to do their part this winter before style....wear appropriate footwear!  Have a listen here...

  • 21 Aug 2013 2:53 PM | Anonymous
    This article was published in the July/August issue of Landscape Trades magazine:

    Salt reduction program takes a team approach to reach its goal

    A snow and ice management program originally created to address elevated groundwater chloride loadings is providing multiple financial benefits to contractors as well as commercial facility managers. The Smart About Salt (SAS) program takes a three-pronged approach to controlling the amount of salt used on sidewalks and roads in winter, targeting snow and ice control contractors and facility operators as well as homeowners and tenants. Originally created by the Region of Waterloo (Ont.) in 2008, the program soon found advocates in Landscape Ontario, and the Building Operators and Managers Association of Ottawa. These organizations have invested in the program and together created the Smart About Salt Council to promote SAS and its benefits. While the program is based in Ontario, snow fighters from across Canada are invited to take advantage of its training and documentation requisites.

    Encouraging clients to understand the science of SAS is one of the Smart About Salt Council’s goals for 2013.  Leanne Lobe, executive director of the Smart About Salt Council, note, she has heard from contractors who know they have done their job properly and managed snow and ice effectively according to SAS recommendations, but property owner or managers will  still call and ask for more salt to be placed on the clear pavement. She believes that SAS-certified contractors can best do what they are trained to do if the facility owners they work for are SAS-certified as well.

    Lobe is taking her message on the road this summer and making presentations to several commercial building owner associations, introducing them to the benefits of being smart about salt.  For one thing, she notes, it saves money by reducing the impact of excessive salt on infrastructure. Winter maintenance practices may be costing facilities more than just their snow control contracts. Excessive salt causes damage to landscape plants, concrete and asphalt, and can corrode steel and aluminum railings. Additionally, salty slush tracked inside a shopping mall or office lobby must be cleaned off floors and carpets constantly.  Some of the more environmentally friendly salt options will actually accelerate damage to concrete infrastructure, so working with a contractor who is careful to apply only the right amount of product at the right time, following SAS best practices, can save thousands of dollars in infrastructure improvements by prolonging the maintenance and replacement costs of large infrastructure assets. Lobe says, “If you need to replace your carpet, you can get a quote for it and know how much it will cost, but you will not be able to measure the cost of a bad impression.” Lobe’s message is that hiring an SAS certified contractor  will pay off in the long term in infrastructure repairs.

    An important reason for building managers to become SAS certified is that the program can reduce the company’s liability for slip and fall accidents. The SAS program takes a proactive approach to ice control. It encourages facility owners to spot and fix outdoor areas that might become winter hazards and require excess salt applications. On the other hand, if a contractor can show, through record keeping, that he notified the building owner about the hazard and has done everything within his power to control ice build-up in a specific area on the property, the building owner may be liable in the event of a slip and fall claim, if he did not correct the hazard when notified.

    The comprehensive record-keeping requirements of the program are another reason to become SAS certified. While contractors have to track the weather and site conditions along with the amount and type of product they apply, the program encourages property owners to keep better records as well. Good record keeping is the best defense against any slip and fall claim. As proof, Lobe notes that, using the program’s documentation model, some SAS certified contractors have successfully defended against slip and fall claims.

    The SAS website, is a wonderful resource for anyone looking for more information on the program, or how to become certified. Contractors can download brochures for their clients, or direct the facility manager to the website to see the benefits for themselves.
    Last year, the Smart About Salt Council released a public service piece for consumers undefined the Get A Grip program. The Council uses this message to promote wearing proper footwear in the winter, and that high heels and dress shoes do not provide enough protection and traction during winter storms. The possibility of being hit with a slip and fall claim is the biggest reason for the over-application of salt at public facilities. The Get A Grip program is intended to remind people they are responsible for their own safety. Lobe says that the individuals who decide how much sidewalk salt to apply are often influenced by higher levels of management looking to avoid frivolous insurance claims. By making PSAs such as Get a Grip available for posting around offices, Lobe hopes to engage all the influencers in the SAS message about the unnecessary application of salt. Get a Grip posters can be downloaded for free at

  • 03 Jun 2013 3:39 PM | Deleted user

    Eric Hodgins, President of the Smart About Salt Council announced today that effective June 14th, Bob Hodgins will be stepping down as Executive Director and taking a well deserved leave after steering and growing the program for the past 2 years. “Bob has been a driving force of the Smart About Salt program and has worked tirelessly to build it over the past several years.  Bob should be recognized for his significant contributions to the snow management industry –not just parking lots and sidewalks through the Smart about Salt program, but on highways across Canada.  We are committed to preserving Bob’s legacy through the Smart About Salt program”.  Bob will continue to provide training and advisory support to the program and ensure a smooth transition.

    Leanne Lobe will be assuming the position of Executive Director. Leanne co-designed the Smart About Salt Program and was heavily involved with the program at its inception. “We are excited about the experience and leadership that Leanne will bring to the program” said Eric Hodgins.  Leanne will be supported by Shawna Barrett, Administrative Coordinator who will provide administrative support to the program.

    The Smart About Salt Program continues to expand with more agencies requiring their contractors to be Smart About Salt Certified and more facilities being certified. The program expansion is also bringing sponsorship support. We are seeing a significant reduction in salt use by our member companies as they commit to being Smart About Salt.
  • 23 May 2013 7:29 PM | Deleted user

    Jim Galbraith is charged with keeping one of Canada's largest Universities operational during the winter. Read about his experiences with the Smart About Salt program in this excerpt from the University's Sustainability Newsletter. Jim says "Looking back at the first year of implementing the Smart About Salt program, Western staff are proud of their success. The Landscape Services team will continue to provide safe passage for all pedestrians and vehicular traffic on campus, while reducing negative financial and environmental impacts." In a followup email Jim identified the following salt savings:

    When comparing the light 2011-2012 winter to the 2012-2013 winter (considered to be 3 times as bad), the University saw a 22% reduction in its bulk salt use. "The actual percentage decrease would be even higher if we did a comparison against similar past winters. This is an incredible achievement made possible by the SAS training and our dedicated staff that truly understood the effects of salt and the proper use of salt for winter applications from your training session", said Galbraith.

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