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  • 06 May 2011 8:02 AM | Deleted user

    The Board of Directors of the Smart About Salt Council is pleased to welcome Bob Hodgins as the new Executive Director of the Council - taking over from Ken Tomihiro. Bob has been a leader in salt management in Canada for over a decade and co-designed the program with the Region of Waterloo. Bob has also developed and delivered the Smart About Salt training program since the program's beginning.

    Bob will be leading expansion of the Smart About Salt program within Ontario. In the short time he has been Executive Director, he has made important progress at federal, provincial and municipal governments; contractors, suppliers and facility owners.

    "I am committed to making the Smart About Salt program the flagship program for private snow and ice control contractors serving the facility winter maintenance sector and facilities that want to be proactive in managing their winter maintenance practices and risk" says Hodgins. "Our partnership with dedicated contractors, facility managers and the insurance industry will improve snow and ice control practices, better manage risk, and reduce winter maintenance costs and environmental damage."

  • 08 Mar 2010 2:26 PM | Deleted user
    The Smart About Salt Council was officially announced today.  Its formation has been delayed for several months but is excited to extend this program across Ontario and beyond.  Click here to view the press release.
  • 06 Mar 2010 8:20 PM | Deleted user
    A new study finds 3,600 tonnes of road salt ends up in Frenchman’s Bay in Pickering every winter.

    You can view this story at:

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