December saw the launch of the Smart About Salt Audit program. This program is intended to visit Smart About Salt Certified Companies to assess the degree of compliance with the SAS Program requirements. The initial 6 companies were selected to test the program and get feedback on improvements to the program before it is expanded. The general feedback was positive. In fact several audited companies thanked the Council for selecting them for the audit. Clearly these companies are committed to being top in their industry and valued the review and comments that the Audit provides. "The Audit should not raise any surprises" says Bob Hodgins, SASC's Executive Director. "We are simply confirming the information that the companies have reported in the Annual Reports that they file." The first six companies passed with flying colours. The SAS Auditors are experience in winter maintenance practices and bring a positive helpful approach to the Audits. "Our clientele expect us to enforce our standards", says Hodgins. "We also expect that everyone in the Smart About Salt Program is applying best practices consistent with the program goals." Look for more audits in the new year.